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January 2010 Contest: Who Am I?

January 2010 Contest: Who Am I?

I’m 6-foot-4 and fearless. When the Rotunda burned in 1895, I climbed to the top of the dome carrying a sackful of dynamite. I tossed the dynamite down onto the annex (where the fire had started) in hopes of blasting away the connection between the annex and the Rotunda. My efforts failed, and both buildings were destroyed by fire. My ears are still ringing—the explosions were heard as far as 15 miles away.

I am William Holding “Reddy” Echols. Read my bio here.

Congratulations to Jill Herskovitz Patterson (Col ’93), whose name was chosen at random from the number of readers who correctly identified this photo in our January 2010 e-newsletter. She wins a $25 UVA Bookstore gift certificate.